Which is Better, Daycare or Nanny?

Whether you’re coming back to work after six weeks or a few years later, there are many factors to weigh when it comes to who will be caring for your child during working hours. Here are just a few of them:


The factor that is most important is who will give your child the best care. While daycare teachers and a nanny can be excellent caretakers of your child, it’s possible that a nanny could feel isolated and overwhelmed being by themselves. They may also not have someone to help if your child was injured or choking.

On the other hand, daycare teachers often have classroom assistants. They also have a director who oversees the business, so teachers can quickly receive help if a child is in trouble or the teacher needs a break.


Taking a new job is fruitless if childcare takes your whole paycheck! With the exception of hiring a family member to nanny, hiring a nanny is almost always more expensive than daycare. Enrolling your child in daycare allows you to bring home more money to your family.

Early Education

While some nannies may be very well educated and could offer your child a good early education, preschool programs at a quality daycare are better at early education than a nanny! This is because your child is in a classroom setting with their peers, giving them a head start and an easier transition to kindergarten. If your child is home with a nanny, they miss out on these social and educational experiences.

Bright Start Louisville offers exceptional childcare to children six weeks to 12 years old. We’re proud to offer a fun and educational preschool program that prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.

If you’re looking for excellent childcare that gives your child a head start in life, contact Bright Start Louisville today!

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